One Last Tour

When one of your friends asks you to come watch the last tour of campus they give as an admissions ambassador, you say yes. This morning my friend McKenzie and I made our way to main campus to watch our friend Katie give her final tour, and I’m so glad we did. We’ve both known Katie for most of our time in college, and the three of us got particularly close this year thanks to the classes we took with Gary Kayye

There was a certain feeling of nostalgia that came with watching a tour of the campus I’ve come to know and love so much over the past four years, and it was a great way to start off the day. I got to meet Katie’s parents and a bunch of Katie’s friends who also showed up throughout the tour. If I had been a prospective student going on this tour seeing how many friends and family showed up for Katie would have really sealed the deal on UNC for me because I think that tour made it really clear how strong of a community this school gives you.

It was also interesting seeing how the tours had changed since my senior year of high school, and I was surprised that I even learned some things about campus that I didn’t know on the tour too. Standing right outside Carroll and listening to Katie talk about how much she loves the Journalism school felt like she was taking the words right out of my mouth, and it really reflected how great of a storyteller Katie is. 

She ended her tour with a story that I was already familiar with about how she ended up at UNC. She had actually written a blog about this as well, and as she was talking I was immediately reminded of that blog post and I followed along with the story I remembered so well.

Especially because this was her last tour, she understandably got a little emotional telling the story, and looking around I could see all of her friends and family who came to follow along on the tour getting a little emotional as well. Katie is the definition of a Tar Heel born, bred, and dead, and I loved getting to watch her do her thing and show off this place that is so special to all of us. 

Once the tour was over we all immediately went up to give her a hug, and I don’t think there was a dry eye in the group. We then had to try to compose ourselves really quickly to get a group picture, and then head to classes or whatever else we were doing with our day. 

While it might seem a little strange to be following along on a college admissions tour as a senior, I am so glad Katie asked me to come because it really allowed me to be present and reflect on what I have gained and how I am so glad that I chose to come to UNC four years ago.

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