It’s the last day of spring break today, and suddenly the end of the semester is feeling like it’s just around the corner. It always seems like once spring break hits the remaining month and a half flies by and I think that will be especially true this year. I have lots to look forward to in the upcoming weeks, but it also is a little scary to think that I’m getting so close to graduating from UNC. This is a period where many things will come to a close, and lots of aspects of my life are up in the air. As someone who doesn’t always like change, it can be a bit overwhelming to take it all in while so many things are unknown.
Now feels like a good time to take a step back from it all, be kind to myself, and make the most of every experience I have left during undergrad. I want to start doing better about prioritizing self-care, so I decided to make a list of things I could do to relax, destress, and just generally take better care of myself. I thought this would be a good place to share that list for anyone else who’s looking for more ideas and things to do when you need a self-care day. Some of these are pretty generic and would apply to most people, and some are a little more specific to me and what I enjoy doing. Here’s my list so far:
- Go for a walk
- Read a book (currently reading The Defining Decade by Meg Jay)
- FaceTime a long distance friend
- Go for a drive
- Clean your room
- Get dinner with a friend
- Drink more water
- Watch a comedy special (my go to is anything Taylor Tomlinson)
- Go sit on the quad
- Make some new spreads in your bullet journal
- Declutter your social media
- Color in a coloring book
- Watch a new movie
- Listen to new music
- Clean out your closet
- Take a nap
- Get your nails done
- Go to your favorite restaurant
- Watch some videos on YouTube
- Meditate (shoutout to Gary Kayye for showing me how many different ways you can do this)
Hopefully this blog post will help hold me more accountable to actually do the things on this list and enjoy my time with my friends and family as well as when I’m by myself. After a week of traveling around Florida, it’s been nice to take these last couple days of break to really reset and get ready for all of the fun and exciting things to come in the next few months, and I can’t wait to see what all is in store for me!
As always, Carly, kudos for your writing skill. Your list is much longer than mine. 7 weeks till Grad Day! Enjoy them to the fullest! Good Luck to UNC 🏀. 😘
As always, Carly, kudos for your writing skill. Your list is much longer than mine. 7 weeks till Grad Day! Enjoy them to the fullest! Good Luck to UNC 🏀. 😘