Monthly Spotify Playlists

Starting this year I decided to try something new with my Spotify playlists that I have seen my friend Erin do for years now. Every month she makes a new playlist, and the catch is that once a song has been on a monthly playlist, it can’t be on a playlist for any other month. I have been having a hard time discovering new music lately, and she suggested that I try doing this as well to help me find new artists.

I have done this for the first four months of 2022 so far, and it definitely has worked. I’ve loved intentionally seeking out new music each month to put on the playlist since you can’t repeat songs, and I have discovered new artists who I probably wouldn’t have found otherwise. Here are some artists who I want to shout out:


– Mother Mother


Em Beihold

The Haunt

Engelbert Humperdinck

Lana Del Ray

Dove Cameron


Aidan Alexander

Some of these artists I had heard of before but not listened to, and these playlists really opened the gate for me to give them a chance. I’m so glad Erin suggested that I do this because it’s been a really fun experience for me so far. I’ll attach the links to my monthly playlists for January, February, March, and April here, and I can’t wait to see how my May playlist shapes out next month. 

If you have any suggestions of artists for me to listen to, definitely let me know! I am always looking for new music, and would love recommendations. 

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