Being a Matriarch

One of the main things that happens when you first join a sorority is you get your big. The big/little pairings are meant to help you find your place in the sorority and to help guide you through your college experience. When I was a freshman and first joined Kappa Kappa Gamma I got my big, Abby, and joined my family of three people with my grandbig Lia. Little did I know that by the time I graduated my family would have tripled in size. 

My sophomore year I was super excited to get a little of my own, and I got what would turn out to be my first of three littles, Fairchild. I was never expecting to be taking more littles, I just assumed our family would continue how it normally does and Fairchild would get a little of her own next year. Then in the spring semester there weren’t enough people interested in taking a little so I decided to take another one and got my second little, Abi. The family had already gotten bigger than I thought it would ever be at one time, and it would only get even bigger my junior year.

Junior year came around, and I ended up adopting my roommate Kennedy into my Kappa family and suddenly I had triplets. Kennedy took a little of her own, Savannah, that year and I realized my family was becoming one of the biggest in our sorority. The next semester Abi took a little, Victoria, finishing out the family for that school year. 

Going into my senior year we have added three more to the family, Mattie and Daisy in the fall and Lucia in the spring. It’s crazy to think that I’m the head of a nine person family now, and our family groupchat is so chaotic but I love it. My family is one of my favorite parts of Kappa, and even though it’s so hard to get the whole family together I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

I’m very sad to be leaving them next year, but I know the groupchat will stay strong and that we are all so supportive of each other. I’ve loved coming up with themes and getting to see so many reveals happen in my family over the years, this family truly has been one of the best parts of my Kappa experience.

I also made sure to include a picture of our family tree that I’ve been udpating for whenever a new person joins the family since our family is a bit complicated. 

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